Entries by Kathryn Burke

Melanie Kline

Melanie Kline, Welcome Home Montrose/Warrior’s Resource Center   by Kathryn R. Burke [Montrose, Colo. Feb. 18, 2014] “It was a Sunday morning, I was watching television and I saw this video about wounded warriors returning home and how hard it was for them. I started thinking – what could we do to help them and their […]

Jan Einboden

Jan Einboden, Jan’s Auto Story and photos by Kathryn R. Burke [Montrose, Colo. April 16, 2013]  She’s almost a household word in the Montrose area. Wherever you go, you see Jan’s Auto plates on more than half the cars you pass on the road. And a whole bunch more parked in neighborhoods or slipped into a […]

Connie Hunt

Connie Hunt, Ouray County Administrator By Kathryn R. Burke A Balancing Act.  [Ouray Colo., April 21. 2015] Connie Hunt comes from a family of eight, so learning to balance people, tasks, and time comes naturally. And with a background of nine years in banking, 25 consecutive years in county administration, and a masters degree in public […]

Colleen Hollenbeck

Colleen Hollenbeck, Ouray County Coroner Courage and Compassion   Story by Kathryn R. Burke [Ouray, Colo. March 15,2016] Collen Hollenbeck is now on her second term as elected coroner and has held that position since 2011. Before that, she served as deputy coroner under Gary Miller, who suggested she run when he retired from the […]

Sue Hirshman

Sue Hirshman, expert on the Black Swift   Story by Kathryn R. Burke [Ouray, Colo. March 17, 2015] “The Black Swift could be called the most elusive bird on earth,” Hirshman believes. “The birds don’t make it easy to find or observe them.” They like to nest in caves, near waterfalls, where rocky ledges and […]

Susan Hale & Ann Mellick

Susan Hale & Ann Mellick, CAIC Avalanche Forecasters   Story by Kathryn R. Burke Susan Hale and Ann Mellick are avalanche forecasters for the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC). They work on the Highway 550 and 145 corridors in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) to keep the highways safe for winter travelers. Both […]

Beth Goralski

Beth Goralski, ice and rock climber Story by Kathryn R. Burke [Ouray, Colo. October 20, 2015]  Beth Goralski has been ice climbing since 2001. During a holiday vacation from Colorado State University, where she was a student, Beth took an ice climbing class. “I fell in love immediately” she said. “I had been rock climbing for […]

Lorraine Coyle

Lorraine Coyle, Evergreen Crystal   Story and photos by Kathryn R. Burke [Montrose, Colo. November 18 2014] Thirty-five years ago Lorraine Coyle and her then-husband had a glass-etching business in Lake Arrowhead, California. A lot of their products were architectural – windows and doors primarily. “I also did smaller pieces, selling them at arts and […]

Joan Chismire

Joan Chismire, Ouray County Ranch History Museum Story by Kathryn R. Burke [Ridgway Colo., January 20, 2015]With optimism that an opportunity would eventually present itself in finding a more permanent home for the Ouray County Ranch History Museum, Chismire and the board worked tirelessly toward that goal. It took ten years.  The museum started out in […]

Jen Brock

Busy Bees with Jen Brock   Story by Kathryn R. Burke [Ouray, Colo., January 16, 2018] Bees are our friends. Bees produce honey, the only food source that never goes bad. Bees pollinate, a process that can produce a healthy garden with a bountiful crop. Bees have an enviable communication system with the plants they […]