Kathryn R Burke, Creative Inspirationist
8 2025 WINTER-SPRING Class Schedule, Education Page 7
Art Classes and Craft Workshops Videos
• Mosaic Montrose. • LaNoue DuBois Winery •Endless Pastabilities, Montrose
History Presentations May 5th, George Armstrong Custer and the Battle at the Little Bighorn
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WHAT I DO – I am a Creative Inspirationist
TEACH, Design and conduct innovative, fun art classes and creative craft workshops at various locations.
WRITE Editorial – Features, Articles & Profiles for various publications.
PRESENT, Produce, Organize, & Keynote exciting, entertaining programs featuring local history, travel, holiday customs, and more.
Own San Juan Publishing Group, Inc. (Over 25 years)
WEBSITES Design & Content Management
Hosted by partner company
BOOKS With focus on history and the arts.
Share information about Arts & Entertainment, Area Activities, and art classes through my newsletter and social media
Promote COMMUNITY through Involvement in many local and regional Organizations
COMPOSE, Conduct, and Manage SOCIAL MEDIA Campaigns for clients
FOSTER and Encourage CREATIVITY and Success
Why not? “It’s fun. It’s exciting, always interesting, and a terrific creative outlet.
It’s a way to share what I know, and keep learning every day, working with people I enjoy,
who can benefit from my knowledge and experience, as I can learn from theirs.
I choose when and where to work and who to work with, so my clients and students are also my friends and collaborators.
I love doing what I do! This is my passion. I feel blessed. This is the never-ending source of my “Gratitude Attitude.”
My focus is always evolving, I’m never sure where the road will lead me or what I will be doing next.
It’s a journey, a lifelong adventure.
Entrepreneurial Renaissance Woman
Business Owner/Publisher
San Juan Publishing Group, Inc
Artist, Author, Public Speaker
Educator, Teacher, Workshop Leader
Innovator, educator, motivator — always searching for new inspiration.