Entries by Kathryn Burke

Ridgway—Across From the Park

[May 2019 | San Juan Silver Stage | By Kathryn R. Burke] Images, Kathryn R. Burke. Hartwell Park is where the summer music happens, and the Ridgway Rendezvous on the second weekend in August. At dusk, you can also find free outdoor movies there all summer long. But these are just ‘happenings’, and you don’t have to […]

Senior Pets for Senior People

  By Kathryn R. Burke.  [Montrose Daily Press, January 20, 2019] I am a senior and I have a senior cat. She is my roomie, my dinner companion, my BFF. She’s waiting at the window when I drive up to the house and is my enthusiastic ‘greeter’ when I walk in the door. And, she […]

MEDC Russell Stover Candies

Feature article. dawning of a new era Russell Stover Candies   Story and photos, Kathryn R. Burke [Montrose Economic Development Corporation, 50th Anniversary Publication] “When Russell Stover Candies came to Montrose in 1976, it marked the dawning of a new era,” said MEDC Executive Director, Sandy Head. “Providing a second income for farm families, the […]

MEDC Aerospace and Aviation

Feature article. up up and away Aerospace and Aviation Story and photography by Kathryn R. Burke [50th Anniversary Publication] In 1993, Al Head, and David Leis came together along with two additional partners to create a piston aircraft engine shop—Western Skyways. The company’s first location was in the Stryker Industrial Park on North Townsend, not a […]