Kathryn R. Burke
Art & Artists
ART & ARTISTS encompasses a life-long passion for the arts—all arts, visual, movement, music, and theater. Kathryn (Kate) Burke has been involved in creative endeavors, writing and making art (and music) from her early school years to the present. As the owner of San Juan Publishing Group, Inc., she has an impressive record of creative graphic and web design. Her history of outstanding print and online publications includes the San Juan Silver Stage, which, for over 30 years, has been dedicated to promoting the arts. Kate taught art and design in the US and Spain, writes for national and regional publications, does graphic and design work for numerous clients, has authored several books, and hosted her own public radio show in Colorado, “Focus on the Arts.” She also established a highly successful series of programs including comedy and theater events and a series of popular presentations, throughout western Colorado, about local history, where she is frequently the speaker. (More here.)
Ms. Burke has served on various boards in Montrose and Ouray counties. Her work and volunteer endeavors support community and creativity: “This is my passion. I love working with people, helping them discover their own creativity, build success, and maintain the enthusiasm to carry it forward.”
Scroll down or click here for a list of some of her writings about art and artists.

Kathryn (Kate) Burke
Why Art is Important
[September 2, 2024 | Montrose Mirror] Montrose, Colo.
In times of uncertainty and confusion, when people hold and express sometimes violently opposing political views, there is one thing that can foster community and keep us together: ART. Attend an art gallery opening and you will observe a variety of reactions by the people there—reactions to the art and the artist, rather than to each other. It’s common ground. The person standing next to you may not agree with you when it comes to the ballot box, but still be in accord when it comes to the artistic experience you are sharing. Love it, hate it, question it, and talk about it—without shouting and maybe destroying a friendship. It’s a meeting and greeting time, a safe sharing experience. [Story here]
Cheri Isgreen, Believing Impossible Things
[September 23, 2024 | Montrose Mirror] Montrose, Colo.
Let me start with this: Cheri Isgreen is the most creative person I know. When it comes to visual arts, she does it all—sculpture, painting, weaving, ceramics, and mixed media—using components and combinations in ways you’ve never imagined. That’s the key to her work: Imagination, believing the impossible. Which is the magic behind her September exhibition at Space to Create in Ridgway. “Believing Impossible Things” runs through September 27th. Next month, she will hang a new show, “Mixing it Up” with new artwork. It opens October 4th and runs until October 20th. [Story here]
Giovanna Designs
[September 16, 2024 | Montrose Mirror] Montrose, Colo.
Giovanna designs jewelry. She combines beaded semi-precious gemstones with gold and silver enhanced by a carefully curated collection of unique and special charms and objects. Her pieces are designed for mixing and layering with fine gemstone jewelry to create an elegant, Southwest Bohemian style. Giovanna’s work is irresistibly distinctivem constantly evolving, imbued with her life experiences and exposure to exotic cultures through her travels. View some of her work on her website. You can tell she loves wearing it and making it. [Here is her story.]
Susan Humphrey’s Photographs Glow.
[September 9, 2024 | Montrose Mirror] Montrose, Colo.
Susan Humphrey photographs western landscapes, lifestyles, and wildlife. Her work is unique because of who she is, how she grew up, and where she’s been throughout her life. Her work glows. When you walk into a room where her photographs are displayed, you know they are hers right away. Light seems to emanate from every picture, filling the room, shining right at you, inviting you into a special place she discovered in her journeys and is now sharing with you. Find out how she does it and where the glow comes from. [Story]
Gay Leachman, Colors & Circles, Squares & Shape
[August 12, 2024 | Montrose Mirror] Ridgway, Colo.
It would be interesting to look inside this woman’s brain. You might see something like soft swirls and crisp geometric shapes, colors and textures, imagination tangles and lines, pieces of dreams mixed with mindful observations. Gay Leachman sees with an artistic eye and a creative mind. What she thinks and sees she expresses with paper and paint, ink and pen, color and the absence of it. She goes from thought to process. Quickly. Then takes a step back, returning later to contemplate and complete. With amazing results. [story]
Jenny McIntyre, Paintings of the Southwest
Jenny paints motion with ribbons of color
[August 2024 | Montrose Mirror] Montrose, Colo. Do you see it? Look at her paintings. They flow. Jenny McIntyre paints motion with ribbons of color: vivid canyon walls shimmering with heat, cool flowing water, shady green trees, and hot rocks where a rattlesnake might bask in the suns.Jenny paints Colorado’s canyon country with her own version of chiaroscuro—dark, shadowy crevices, bright sunlit rockfaces—deep pools of contrast that create dimensional depths. She refers to her work as abstraction, constructed landscapes—her own way of seeing the natural world. Each painting is a personal journey, yet one where Jenny invites you to join her. [story]
Gary Ratcliff, nature photographer
Ouray Image Gallery Now Open in Treehouse Studio in Ridgway
[June 2021 | San Juan Silver Stage] Ridgway, Colo. Nature photographer Gary Ratcliff, has added “gallery owner” to his list of titles. He can, at least for brief periods of time when he’s not in the field, share his work 1:1 with those who want to meet him and come in to visit at the Ouray Image Gallery in the historic Treehouse Studio, Ridgway. The Treehouse walls and displays tell the story of a man passionate about nature and the beauty of the San Juan Mountains and the Colorado Plateau—Gary’s favorite subject matter. A nature and wildlife photographer, and a man who loves the outdoors, Gary combines his favorite passions and pastimes to build a life he loves.[story]
Artist Marko Marino creates dynamic compositions
[January 2021 | San Juan Silver Stage] Cedaredge, Colo. Marko creates dynamic compositions in contemporary style utilizing a vivid visual memory combined with a strong sense of design. Marko uses different tools, including a palette knife, to facilitate his painting and varying shapes and detail to direct viewer attention. [Story & slideshow of his work]. Click HERE to view live interview with Marco and view his video.
Cheri Isgreen, inspirational mixed media artist
[December 2020 | San Juan Silver Stage] Montrose, Colo. Incredibly talented and continually evolving, this mixed-media artist is the embodiment of a creative spirit…an inspiration to any and all who experience her work. An accomplished horsewoman, who has won awards on her Lipizzan, Cheri is known for her equine art. Her recent works, “Dream Horses,” portray Cheri’s fascination with color, light, motion, equine anatomy. [View video]. Cheri has also developed a special Raku creative process. [View video].
Bonnie Heidbrak, Photographer
[October 2020 | San Juan Silver Stage] Ridgway, Colo. A life-long world traveler, the visual perception Bonnie shares with you is alternately (and sometimes collectively) evocative, inspiring, joyful, eclectic, and always…stunning. For Bonnie, what she sees, how she sees things, and the pictures she takes, are not just the sum of the parts, but sometimes parts of the parts. Like the thoughtful eye of this African elephant, contrasted to the rough planes and textures of its skin. What do you see? Rivers, landscape, or did you spy the thoughtful eye in the lower left corner. [Story]
MaryPat Ettinger, Painter
[December 2020 | San Juan Silver Stage] Montrose, Colo. Mary Pat Ettinger is a storyteller. She tells her tales with paint, words, and weavings—all emanating from the creative inspiration that gives her work a distinctive and identifiable character. Many find her work peaceful and nostalgic. Mary Pat paints solitude and tranquility and she paints every day. Learn more about this beautiful soul who creates beautiful works of art that help you find a past—and maybe a presence—you thought was lost. [Story]
Featured artists
Cheri Isgreen, Believing Impossible Things [09-24]
Giovanna Designs, Montrose CO [09-24]
Susan Humphrey, Montrose CO [09-24]
Jenny McIntyre, Montrose CO [08-24[
Gay Leachman, Ridgway CO [08-24]
Susan Sandburg Humphrey, Montrose CO. [03-20 & 07-22]
Concert with musician Nick Carozza [02/22]
Mark Marino, painter. Cedaredge CO. [01/20]
Gary Ratcliff, photographer. Ridgway CO. [03/20]
Connie Williams, Apples & Art. Cedaredge CO. [03/20]
Joyce Baker, printmaker, Montrose CO. [05/19]
Virginia Blackstock, watercolorist. Montrose CO. [11/19]
Cheri Isgreen. variety of mediums. Montrose CO. [12/20]
Lisa Kramer, vocalist. Voice of the San Juans, Montrose CO[12/19]
Jeff Sailors and Patricia Carroll, mixed media. Cedaredge CO. [10/19]
Archived articles, old San Juan Silver Stage
Dan Deuter, Paints the Old West. Montrose CO. [2010]
Alice Billings Hug Horse. Ridgway CO. [2013]
Edith Eggett Aboriginal Primitive Art. Silverton CO. [2012]
Mark Mace Kinetic Expressionist. Carbondale CO. [2012]
Mary Mellot Colorful Critters. Bayfield CO. [2005]
Rudl Mergleman Western & Wildlife Art. Florence CO [2008]
Linda Nadel Artist profile. Montrose CO. [2008]
Cecily Anne Reflective Art Photography. Montrose CO. [2014]
Eileen & Jim Baumgardt Nature Photography. Durango CO. [2014] Burke
Robert Floyd Western Lifestyle and Nature Photography. Houston TX. [2018]
Daphna Russell Sculpture., bronze, stoneware, and ceramics. Cedaredge CO. [2014]
Linda and Gary Davis. Weathertop Covens. Silverton CO. [2010]
Judy Gillispe, glass artist
Tommy Jackson. Native American jeweler. Gallup NM. [2009]
Benson Manygoats Native American jeweler. Gallup NM. [2009]
ErvinTsosie Native American jeweler. Gallup NM. [2009]