Brenda Miller
Brenda Miller, Roubideau Rim Wildlife Rescue
Story by Kathryn R. Burke

Brenda Miller, Director of RRWR and Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator at Roubideau Rim Wildlife Rescue.
Photo courtesy RRWR Facebook Page.
[Olathe, Colo. January 21. 2014] Brenda Miller is the Director and Licensed Wildlife Rehabiliator of Roubideau Rim Wildlife Rescue, near Olathe, Colo. RRWR is a 501c3 non profit organization licensed by the Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW) and US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). “We take in wildlife that has been injured, sick, orphaned or habituated to humans,” Miller said. “Our goal is to release these creatures back into their appropriate habitats” in western Colorado.
Miller has been a licensed rehabilitator for 17 years and operates the Western Slope’s only wildlife rehab facility. Because she has the desire and natural ability to care for animals, Miller says people would bring her domestic and wild creatures, even as a child. She saw rehabilitation as an excellent learning experience for her children as well. “Our facility is located at our home, the Green Place Ranch,” Miller said, “a remote ranch southwest of Olathe, Colo., on the Uncompahgre Plateau.”
Miller explained that “Wildlife rescue activities are closed to the public. This is because wildlife needs to be left alone in order to recover, grow, and remain afraid of humans. There is always the possibility of disease transmission between wildlife and humans. Viewing blinds are necessary (another huge expense) in order for people to view wildlife from a distance that will not stress the creatures.”
Wildlife rehabilitation in Colorado is ALL volunteer. “We receive nothing from CPW or USFWS, except they send us lots of phone calls and bring us wildlife!,” Miller said. “I rely soley on the generous support of the public. And, we are looking for someone to volunteer who has time to search internet for foundations and grant opportunities.”
If you have found Wildlife and are concerned about its well being, call RRWR at 970-209-5946. Miller asks that you don’t use email, as its not checked on a regular basis. The facility has many needs in the way of volunteers, supplies needed, monetary donations, etc. For more information, visit their website, Roubideau Rim Wildlife Rescue. Anonymous, Tax Deductible Donations can be made directly to Vectra Bank Colorado, 1200 S. Townsend, Montrose CO 81401.
Click HERE to see some of the RRWR rescued wildlife.
Related articles:
Roubideau Rim Wildlife Rescue Gives Hurt, Wild Creatures another Chance. Montrose Mirror 2014
‘A Fed Bear Is a Dead Bear’ The Watch, 2013
‘Rescued Bobcat Returned to the Wild.’ Delta County Independent, 2013
‘Wildlife rehab petition squeaks by.’ Montrose Daily Press, 2013
‘Wildlife rehab depends on donations’ Grand Junction Sentinel, 2013
‘Sometimes it’s best to leave them alone’ Grand Junction Sentinel, 2013
‘The Wildlife.’ Newsletter for Wildlife Rehabilitation, 2007
This article also appears on website for the Woman’s Club of Ouray County. Designed and maintained by Kathryn R. Burke